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Berserk...bugged or worthless?

Apr 29, 2009
Painfully obvious to anyone that has it...it doesn't do anything. I haven't recieved a boost in healing from others or from healing myself or my pet doing it. If we're "using" it wrong then that needs to be detailed better. But I think it either needs to be repaired or take it out and return training points to players that trained for this rather sorry spell.

Mar 18, 2009
Muisak wrote:
Painfully obvious to anyone that has it...it doesn't do anything. I haven't recieved a boost in healing from others or from healing myself or my pet doing it. If we're "using" it wrong then that needs to be detailed better. But I think it either needs to be repaired or take it out and return training points to players that trained for this rather sorry spell.

Beserk has nothing to do with healing.

Jan 22, 2011
Muisak wrote:
Painfully obvious to anyone that has it...it doesn't do anything. I haven't recieved a boost in healing from others or from healing myself or my pet doing it. If we're "using" it wrong then that needs to be detailed better. But I think it either needs to be repaired or take it out and return training points to players that trained for this rather sorry spell.

its damage not healing