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supposed golem badges

Dec 31, 2009
hi, was just wondering, read some where that some of the bages on page 13 are:
golem overlord- by defeating iron golem 1000 times
wood breaker- by defeating golem tower 6 times in a row
wood smasher- by defeating golem tower 10 times in a row
wood piler- by defeating golem tower 50 times in a row
and henchman - by defeating malistair 5 times

so i tried defeating golem tower 6 times in a row. easy enough right? only i didn't get the badge so now i'm wondering did i not do it right? are these bugged badges or are they no longer offered? someone please help me thank you so much.

Mar 12, 2010
rapunz wrote:
hi, was just wondering, read some where that some of the bages on page 13 are:
golem overlord- by defeating iron golem 1000 times
wood breaker- by defeating golem tower 6 times in a row
wood smasher- by defeating golem tower 10 times in a row
wood piler- by defeating golem tower 50 times in a row
and henchman - by defeating malistair 5 times

so i tried defeating golem tower 6 times in a row. easy enough right? only i didn't get the badge so now i'm wondering did i not do it right? are these bugged badges or are they no longer offered? someone please help me thank you so much.

I'm not sure where your list came from, but here is a link to the fansite and it shows Badges and Requirements:


Hope this helps.

Jun 11, 2010
I believe you have run into some fake badges, meant to make wizards do impossible tasks. The only Golem related badges I could find are as follows:
- Golem Breaker: Defeat 50 golems
- Golem Destroyer: Defeat 200 golems
- Technomancer: Defeat 500 golems
- Golem Tower Champion: Complete Golem Tower by defeating Iron Golem.

Sep 11, 2010
They are non-existing badges, really.

While they would be fun badges to have, then they aren't in the game and never have been in the game. Someone sent you on a snipe hunt.

There's a fair amount of "open" badge slots in the game; most exist to accomendate future updates (I can mention the Master Historian badge that appears right below the Master Of [school] badges (the balance one, in particular), and was added long after the preceeding School badges and the following Spider-Killer badges were added at the birth of the game).

Page 22 and 23, for instance, are completely blank, and simply sit there and wait for a future expansion to come in and use some of the slots.