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hard to get drops

Dec 23, 2008
i have try 20 or more times to get my deck from Devora Shadowcrown and i still have not got it , why make it so hard to get them, it just makes me mad and i quit playing

Dec 11, 2008
Yeah, I've been trying to collect statues (which I am not allowed to say in the game! what the heck? Why can I not say statue?) and yesterday me and a friend fought the Gobbler Prince for hours with no luck. We did end up with a total of 8 Snow Snake pets, 3 piles of jelly beans. 2 chomped lamp posts, 9 half spotted rugs, a box of pies and lots of stuff to sell, but no statue. 12 hours, 2 wizards - no statue.

Feb 18, 2009
I'm having the same problem with an amulet I'm trying to get in Marleybone. The "Amulet of Chilled Creatures" which gives the Ice Wyvern card. I need a good ice card and the Triton card I got from DS with my shoes is junk (no offense--just my opinion).

As far as the word "statue", try "statues". It seems to work, for now...lol

Aug 01, 2008
I've gotten two "death wraith" statues from fighting Grubb in Sunken City. And I've only gone back to fight him 3 times, so the drop rate seems pretty good. Although it oddly tells me "limit of 1", when I have two. So what does the limit mean?