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Ignore friend button!!

May 30, 2009
Ok, this is not good. I just accidentally pressed the ignore button on one of my friends! I was quickly going for pressing the text chat button. Then what must have been for a safety thing if this happens, it turned into a "Don't Ignore" button. So i pressed it, it worked thats good, but it also took them off of my friend list all together and we were not by each other to add each other again. Please, i dont want to lose her from my friend list, or have her stay lost.

I think you should make an option or two for the game options and stuff. Like have a toggle ignore (friends) and toggle remove friends.

Please do something Wizard101 crew.

For my dilema, her name is Erica SparkleBlossom. A nearing level 30 life wizardess.

I am Eric WinterBlade, a level 30 Thaumaturge (Ice Mage).
Thank you.