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Suggested changes to "boss enhancements"

Mar 03, 2009
I had read the comments about the new "boss enhancements", but had yet to experience it for myself. So, I went to Mooshu to fight the Jade Oni. Now, I really like a challenge - I honestly do - the harder the fight, the sweeter the victory. However, this fight broke all boundaries of reason, and fell well outside the rules of the game.

In this fight, I encountered having my turn skipped, having the boss go twice in a row, having the boss use spells he didn't have enough pips for, having a Damage Over Time spell mysteriously cast on me out of nowhere, and having the boss summon a "minion". I don't mind the minion part, but the minion should not have a turn until the next round, as opposed to casting a spell immediately after he was summoned.

Seeing as how I would like to have the boss fights a bit tougher than they were before, I thought I would offer some suggestions as to how I would have gone about it.

- allow the boss to gain power pips
- allow the boss to summon minions, but minion must wait until the next round to cast - assign appropriate pip cost to minion spell
- allow the boss to use the most powerful spells available at the current level (for example, a boss from DS could use Dragon, but a boss from Mooshu could not)
- allow the boss to cast defensive shields for all spell types
- allow the boss to use more powerful healing spells
- allow the boss to use global effects spells
-change the AI so that the boss "reacts" a bit smarter to the current situation

What I would change about the "new" setup:
- boss must have enough pips to cast a spell
-boss and/or minion may not go twice in a row
-boss may summon minion, but minion must wait until next round to cast - appropriate pip cost should be assigned to "summon minion" spell
-player's turn may not be skipped
-get rid of mysterious, out of nowhere DOT spell - a spell must be cast by someone, and that someone would need to have enough pips for it

There are probably other changes that could be made to the current setup, and more changes could be added to my suggestion list, but I think there is a way to make the boss fights more challenging without going outside of the rules of the game.


Jan 27, 2009
I had read the comments about the new "boss enhancements", but had yet to experience it for myself. So, I went to Mooshu to fight the Jade Oni. Now, I really like a challenge - I honestly do - the harder the fight, the sweeter the victory. However, this fight broke all boundaries of reason, and fell well outside the rules of the game.

In this fight, I encountered having my turn skipped, having the boss go twice in a row, having the boss use spells he didn't have enough pips for, having a Damage Over Time spell mysteriously cast on me out of nowhere, and having the boss summon a "minion". I don't mind the minion part, but the minion should not have a turn until the next round, as opposed to casting a spell immediately after he was summoned.

Seeing as how I would like to have the boss fights a bit tougher than they were before, I thought I would offer some suggestions as to how I would have gone about it.

- allow the boss to gain power pips
- allow the boss to summon minions, but minion must wait until the next round to cast - assign appropriate pip cost to minion spell
- allow the boss to use the most powerful spells available at the current level (for example, a boss from DS could use Dragon, but a boss from Mooshu could not)
- allow the boss to cast defensive shields for all spell types
- allow the boss to use more powerful healing spells
- allow the boss to use global effects spells
-change the AI so that the boss "reacts" a bit smarter to the current situation

What I would change about the "new" setup:
- boss must have enough pips to cast a spell
-boss and/or minion may not go twice in a row
-boss may summon minion, but minion must wait until next round to cast - appropriate pip cost should be assigned to "summon minion" spell
-player's turn may not be skipped
-get rid of mysterious, out of nowhere DOT spell - a spell must be cast by someone, and that someone would need to have enough pips for it

There are probably other changes that could be made to the current setup, and more changes could be added to my suggestion list, but I think there is a way to make the boss fights more challenging without going outside of the rules of the game.

excellent comment, all things done in the game should stay in the ethic of the game and INTERRUPT should be removed, only casting on your turn, needing enough pips to cast spells, and jade oni should at least have to give up pips to summon another oni! come on, INTERRUPT is ruining the game. and for all you who still don't get the scale of the problem, let me put it in perspective, i am a level 49 storm and i was fighting jade oni with four other guys over level 48, at the end i was the last one alive and i just managed to kill jade oni with triton while clinging to life with only 47 health left all the rest of them had died mainly because of the casting of spells when it wasn't their turn. Now after saying this will someone please tell me how people just finishing up mooshu are going to be able to beat him even granting that they will be a higher level because of the new world.
Will an administrator please give me a sound explanation of why you did this because in my opinion it is messing up the game.

May 15, 2009
Well stated, Cat.

I agree but with the exception to Boss' spell limits: they're spells should be commensurate with their rank. It's OK if, at lvl 47, one fights a boss using lvl 50 spells, so long as its rank warrants it and we'll know this up-front.

With bosses no longer subject to any game's rules/mechanics of any kind, it's difficult/impossible to see what we're getting into and it's pretty un-fun.

Sitting there, getting smacked around repeatedly with stuff you can never have access to is also un-fun.

heh...They eliminated chain-stuns for players but essentially gave it to NPCs! (INTERRUPT-Spell 1-Spell 2-Storm Shark With One Pip-You're Dead! not much I can do about that...)

May 04, 2009
I must agree that having things a bit rougher when fighting the bosses is desirable from a game player's standpoint. But there are a few things that might want to be reconsidered. In addition to the previous posts, I would have to agree with their objections.

First, I enjoy playing the game. Even before these improvements it was challenging. Every choice I made effected the outcome of how the game played. I felt that even after "beating the game" it would be worth trying again, making different choices to see how I could do it another way.

Here are a few changes that I think ought to be made, in addition to the previous posts.
1. Since my spells are weak when I cast them against a monster of my own school, spells cast against me from my own school ought to be equally as weak against me. Or at least sufficiently weaker than if cast against a player from a different school.
2. You should bring back some of the treasure cards. Maybe have the kinds available increase in the higher ranked worlds. Some of the strategy was using treasure cards that could be purchased to cover spells that were not chosen with training points. Now, since these cards are no longer available, there are choices a player could make about how to develop their character that are not feasible.
3. Since you took healing treasure cards away from the players, it is not fair that any monster can now cast healing spells that players can no longer buy. Healing ought to be the province of monsters from the life school only, with only very rare exceptions.
4. As the bosses gain power and hit points at higher levels, so players must be able to do the same. Maybe at the cost of something else, but limiting levels (and therefore hit point growth) isn't fair, especially when coming up against a certain boss with over 100,000 hit points. Or perhaps players should gain access to more powerful spells at a school beyond Ravenwood. Maybe you could have spells in Dragon Spire Academy, that could only be learned once a player arrives there (and has a quest for them?). They could be ones that enable you to defeat Malistaire. The game has to be winnable, or after a rising to a level where the bosses grow and you don't there is no reason to play it any further.
5. There ought to be more than one way to be able to win the game. Defeating Malistaire may still be the ultimate goal, but not all wizard schools are created equal, and each should be able to find some way by which he can be overcome, or some tool unique to their own school that helps other in the team do so. Has anyone beat him after he grew to 100,000 points? Remember, this is a game for ages 10 and up. A ten year old should be able to defeat Malistaire.
6. Include more puzzles. After a while, beating up monsters needs to be broken up with other types of challenges. My partner wizards and I especially enjoyed this aspect of Krok.

7. On another point, players that have not gained access to worlds through completing quests should not be able to port into those worlds through other players who have done so. It is insane, and not right, for a level 10 player to have access to Dragon Spire, or to Krok for that matter. They aren't ready, (not enough hit points or powerful enough spells) and their presence can cause problems for those who should be there (such as calling another monster by porting into a battle that the higher level wizard had not planned on defeating in that battle).

The game was a good game before the last round of changes were made. They don't necessarily enhance game play on the higher levels. It is very disappointing that I have gotten all the way to Dragon Spire only to find out that I cannot defeat Malistaire.

May 07, 2009
thunderbird120 wrote:
I had read the comments about the new "boss enhancements", but had yet to experience it for myself. So, I went to Mooshu to fight the Jade Oni. Now, I really like a challenge - I honestly do - the harder the fight, the sweeter the victory. However, this fight broke all boundaries of reason, and fell well outside the rules of the game.

In this fight, I encountered having my turn skipped, having the boss go twice in a row, having the boss use spells he didn't have enough pips for, having a Damage Over Time spell mysteriously cast on me out of nowhere, and having the boss summon a "minion". I don't mind the minion part, but the minion should not have a turn until the next round, as opposed to casting a spell immediately after he was summoned.

Seeing as how I would like to have the boss fights a bit tougher than they were before, I thought I would offer some suggestions as to how I would have gone about it.

- allow the boss to gain power pips
- allow the boss to summon minions, but minion must wait until the next round to cast - assign appropriate pip cost to minion spell
- allow the boss to use the most powerful spells available at the current level (for example, a boss from DS could use Dragon, but a boss from Mooshu could not)
- allow the boss to cast defensive shields for all spell types
- allow the boss to use more powerful healing spells
- allow the boss to use global effects spells
-change the AI so that the boss "reacts" a bit smarter to the current situation

What I would change about the "new" setup:
- boss must have enough pips to cast a spell
-boss and/or minion may not go twice in a row
-boss may summon minion, but minion must wait until next round to cast - appropriate pip cost should be assigned to "summon minion" spell
-player's turn may not be skipped
-get rid of mysterious, out of nowhere DOT spell - a spell must be cast by someone, and that someone would need to have enough pips for it

There are probably other changes that could be made to the current setup, and more changes could be added to my suggestion list, but I think there is a way to make the boss fights more challenging without going outside of the rules of the game.

excellent comment, all things done in the game should stay in the ethic of the game and INTERRUPT should be removed, only casting on your turn, needing enough pips to cast spells, and jade oni should at least have to give up pips to summon another oni! come on, INTERRUPT is ruining the game. and for all you who still don't get the scale of the problem, let me put it in perspective, i am a level 49 storm and i was fighting jade oni with four other guys over level 48, at the end i was the last one alive and i just managed to kill jade oni with triton while clinging to life with only 47 health left all the rest of them had died mainly because of the casting of spells when it wasn't their turn. Now after saying this will someone please tell me how people just finishing up mooshu are going to be able to beat him even granting that they will be a higher level because of the new world.
Will an administrator please give me a sound explanation of why you did this because in my opinion it is messing up the game.

i fully agree with both sections there its totally unfair