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Beetle request from prospect zeke not working

Oct 05, 2013
I am writing this because I found all the beetles that Prospect Zeke asks you to find in krocitopia, but for some reason it is not registering that I found the one in the oasis so I can't get my training point. I know where it is and have went to it several times and it still won't recognize me finding it. Just so you know tha I know, if you are looking at the library it is at the right corner. Please help.

There are two beetles in the oasis, young Wizard. One of them likes to read and one of them likes to shop. Look for the other one....

Mar 12, 2010
babygirlbrewer017 on Oct 24, 2013 wrote:
I am writing this because I found all the beetles that Prospect Zeke asks you to find in krocitopia, but for some reason it is not registering that I found the one in the oasis so I can't get my training point. I know where it is and have went to it several times and it still won't recognize me finding it. Just so you know tha I know, if you are looking at the library it is at the right corner. Please help.
Did you know that the fansites have guides with photos showing where to find these? Here is a link to one of them if you are interested:


And that fansite also has the same kind of guide for all of Zeke's quests (The Smiths, The Stray Cats, etc.).

Oct 05, 2013
Thank you so much for the help!!!!! I did not know that there was two in the oasis. That makes total sense! Thanks again very much!!!!!!!