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Please help us Myth Wizards in PvP

Jul 07, 2021
Hello KI,
I have been a long time fan of myth as it has one of the most unique playstyles of any school. However, recently after this update, us myth wizards have been in a really bad spot. This post pertains to exalted level PvP but these are the things I have issues with:


We myth wizards are the school of minions but after the Novus update, 6 cards in our spellbook are non PvP. I dont really understand how a school like fire got a complete makeover with tons of buffs but our spells got taken out of PvP. Not only that, but the storm minion for the longest time was by far the best minion in PvP. There was no reason that a Storms 3 pip minion: Gained 3 pips, spirit shielded, elemental shielded, bubbled, taunted, bladed, healed and dealt damage with insane bolt. It would be completely understandable if Myth had a minion like that being the minion school.
I farmed for a long time for spells like troll spellements and golem: taunt just to see them made into non PvP. I will leave my suggestions at the end but I really hope you guys have something planned for us Myth wizards.

Base Health

This one confuses me a little bit. I dont understand why our base health is so low. It is nearly tied with fire wizards. Here is a comparison with near perfect stats between myself and a friends fire wizard:

My Myth | His Fire
5386 hp 5381 hp
120 dmg 141 dmg
50 resist 48 resist
557 crit 538 crit (unreliable as I critical less than most ices with 100 less critical)
258 block 280 block
37 pierce 38 pierce
100% pips 98% pips

As you can see, almost identical in health yet our damage is no where near that of a fire wizard. We are not the damage dealing school like fire and storm but our health shouldn't be treated as if we were. Not only that but base fire spells at the same pip cost do more damage.
Side note: Our pets, amulet and darkmoore deck are identical.

Here is another comparison with my death wizard friend:

My Myth | His Death
5386 hp 6112 hp
120 dmg 126 dmg
50 resist 57 resist
557 crit 535 crit (unreliable as stated above)
258 block 239 block
37 pierce 35 pierce
100% pips 101% pips

As you can see, my Myth has a little more critical, block and pierce here but it does not counter the 7 resist and 726hp difference in my opinion. Our spells resemble closely in damage at the same pip cost but do not have the added features like drains. We may have some utility spells like medusa but in PvP everyone casts stun block very early into the duel and most bosses in PvE are resisted to stuns.

My suggestions:

Base health:

Our base health should be closer to that of balance and death (6000+hp). I understand that may be a stretch but it should be closer to those schools than it is to fire given our enormous difference in damage.


I think being the minion school, we should definitely have better minions than all other schools. I would like our minions to play a specific style depending on the minion casted. Such as a healing minion, trap stacking minion, blade stacking minion, shield stacking minion, hit casting minion and maybe a stun casting minion. (Definitely a stretch on the last one). I really liked what the golem: taunt minion did and hope something similar can be done.

If not that, then maybe a complete makeover of our spellbook (like fire) so that more spells are hit+minion like: Witches House Call, Troll spellement and Van Der Borst (pet only spell / non-PvP) I think this suits school identity.

Or, at the very least, have at least one minion that resembles closely to that of the storm minion with all the utility it had.

My last suggestion would be to make the troll spellement a myth-only spell. Meaning that schools like life and ice who spammed the spell would not be able to cast it in PvP. I think those 2 schools were mostly responsible for it being made into non-PvP. I think the first iteration of this spell was balanced for myth and would be great if it was Myth school only.

Please let me know your thoughts on this. I hope I am not alone in thinking that myth needs a little love.