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Make a separate PVP/RAIDS Pigsie version

Dec 27, 2014
I just saw that you plan to change Pigsie once again. Please stop changing it. This new version that you're going to bring in is horrible with a capital H. Fair enough you want it for PVP/raids. So do that, create a separate version like all the other PVP versions of PVE spells you made already. Nobody who plays PVP/raids is going to want that version when they are questing or farming. It makes sense to put a dividing line between the two different versions. Personally I have invested a lot of time and effort into getting the version with the overtime as it currently stands as a PVE player. I certainly wouldn't have bothered spending precious gold keys and the huge amount of time and effort, that it takes for each battle had I have known. I think it's time you start being fair with the player base and stop messing things around. Just make separate spells please And the most heartbreaking point to me is my membership will run out before this hits live realm, so I won't be able to reverse it giving my life a useless PVP Pigsie. Generally I'm a crowns area person and nobody will ask me to help with that "Pigsie" Monstrosity.

Please please consider my idea.