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Wings of Fate Change

May 30, 2011
Okay so, I've been playing wiz for over a decade. I have every wizard at max by my first and favorite wizard is my life. Ever since the introduction of shadow spells, I was super excited to get an AoE hit other than Forrest lord that did good damage. Then we got Wings of Fate... not even close. I would go to say in my life time on this game since it's release, I've used it maybe 5 times, most of which was to see the animation. That being said, I've never used it in a legitimate battle because it's just so useless. If I'm hitting, it does no damage, the dot is just so little it's ineffective. When it comes to the healing aspect, it is quite nice, but if anyone is using universal traps this spell will take them away from the hitter. Not to mention, there are many dungeons at higher levels that have cheats restricting damage and healing dots.
My suggestion to fixing this would be similar to the Death Ship of Fools spell. Instant damage and instant healing, not the ticks. Or if some portion of the HoT wanted to be preserved, it could be instant damage with the healing as a tic. However, I really do think that the best option would just be instant damage and heals. Not only this, but raising the damage, and lowering the heals. I think it should replicate life steal like death does but keep the base animation that it already has. The only reasonable way I see using this spell is as a hit simply because of the possibility of taking necessary traps if used as a heal with both the damage and healing function.
I'm open to suggestions though, I just want to be able to use the spell then have it take up a useless place in my spell deck.