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How to boost Wizard101’s overall popularity amongst gamers (3 steps)

Mar 08, 2010
Wizard 101 is a great game and I think it deserves a significant boost in terms of consistent population. I also believe Wizard 101 holds a good core for what could be a much more in depth and popular. So Kingsisle if you see this please take the time to consider these small adjustments.

1.Trade Expansion - Wizard 101 has a friendly community that contains people who love to help others. Player interaction adds the depth this game needs outside of the already solid core gameplay. That being said trading is a player driver experience in every game that has a trade system. the treasure card trading system is already phenomenal. However, the ability to trade snacks and reagents as well as limited amounts of gold would give Wizard 101 a basic enough economy to encourage more in game social interaction. I would argue that you could also expand trading to things such as gear, housing items, gems, etc. with certain limitations without unbalancing the game.
2. Crafting Expansion - With a trade expansion you will also need a Crafting expansion. This will give people a need to farm reagents and trade with others. I would use the assets already available (crown store homes, furniture, gear, gauntlets etc.) at first. And then I would continue to add more of that type of content.
3. Change membership structure - Memberships are not family friendly in this case truthfully. I understand why it was necessary but it is an outdated part of the game. Games like fortnite, apex legends, and halo are proving the free to play model works and I think it would work very well with this game. I know the game will never be fully free to play but I hope it can be. Honestly though the best alternative I can think of is optional membership bundle options. For example… monthly charges in return for set amounts of crowns, reagents, randoms packs, etc. just useful stuff that you would need more of every month of playing. This would work very well with the expansions to both crafting and trading. Also, hate to say it but a season pass type deal would work well in this game for both the players and kingsisle.

I’m a big fan and want this game to be huge again. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my ideas let me know what you think. Cheers!