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Arc 1 bosses being easy!

Mar 17, 2019
The other day my friend and I were having a conversation about how easy they made certain arc 1 bosses by nerfing the health straight into the ground. Although this is good for new players, this damages us older players, making the game really easy and not as enjoyable.
How about they make it so before you enter a dungeon/boss room which had a nerfed boss, they ask you if you want the easier (new) version, or the harder (old) version.
For example, if you select the old version for Malistaire, he would have 10k health, if you select old version for Krokopatra, she would have 1.2k health, you get the point.

I would like you guys at KI to please consider adding this

-Anthony Fireshard, level 150
Other schools I play,

Jul 29, 2018
While health was decreased, most spells were also updated to reflect different school identities / spell value. These bosses are both harder and easier in some cases. Going in with a max pet makes most of the game a lot easier at the beginning, however, you still run into powerpip/accuracy issues where there are some fights you will die in and/or take more attempts for whatever reason.

A change like this would better be suited for a "hard" mode where you play with the old health levels but that would have to place you in a separate server or something so that you only interact with players with this mode turned on.