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Archmastery Error

Jul 12, 2014
I'm 99% sure this is a bug/error, but getting a school pip is being affected by the archmastery rating of teammates. I'm playing through with my sister and she's 3 levels higher than me (lvl 89 vs 86). My archmastery rating is 68 and hers is 71. Because of that, whenever we're in a battle together, she gets a school pip on the first round, but I don't. Instead it says that I'm 94% of the way to a school pip. When I'm in a battle by myself, I always get a school pip on the first round. I know that when we do PvP or when we get to Novus, getting a school pip is dependent on my archmastery rating vs my opponent, but it shouldn't be counting teammates as well. We're going through azteca, and it's extremely frustrating because before, I was relying on ship of fools on the first round and now I need a death pip and can't hit on the first round with her because it's taking into account her archmastery rating vs mine.