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New Fishing Tournament Idea :)

Aug 03, 2014
I love the new fishing tournament that is coming up and I look forward to giving it a shot and seeing what I can catch. It will also be fun to hear how many were caught in the 'most' categories and hearing the largest and smallest in those too

I see the 'most' categories as likely to be won by those who dedicate the time and crowns for elixirs and expect another Deckathlon-type scenario where those with less time or money don't stand much, if any chance.

I have an idea for the purposes of inclusion and encouraging ALL players to participate and I hope you'll like it

Perhaps KI would consider having another tier of prizes with 3 winners taken at random from anyone who joined in and caught over 100 fish?

The logic behind this idea is that it would be totally inclusive for all players no matter what level they are and no matter what their status is as it would also be possible for F2P if they are determined. The lowest level we can start fishing is level 7 with base energy of 53, a high-end but typical level for a F2P to hit the pay wall is about 15 (58 base energy). It costs 3 energy to catch a fish and we lose energy if it 'gets away'. Both of these can be refilled naturally in under 10 hours. The tournament lasts 3 days so with dedication catching 100 fish would be possible for anyone who can go fishing...much easier of course for higher levels and those with membership and/or crowns.

Although prizes would be much lower and the odds of winning much lower too, I think the addition of another category that includes everyone who caught 100 fish or more would be excellent for inclusion and making it 'worth' participating. Obviously a F2P wizard is going to have to log in multiple times and utilise their energy much more carefully, but everyone would have a chance at the prizes of say 2500 non-giftable crowns. This could help a newer player open zones they otherwise would never have a chance to or an established player have some bonus crowns for packs or elixirs etc

I think it would be a more successful event and more fun if everyone could join in and everyone have a chance at a prize even if they fail to get lucky on small-frys or whoppers and don't have time to spend 3 days fishing non-stop and popping elixirs every time they run out of energy.

Would it be helpful to the event and good for the community to have a 3rd section for 2500 non-giftable/non-transferable* crowns to 3 random players achieving 100+ fish caught within the 3 days? What do you think?

*non-giftable and non-transferable to prevent exploitation.