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Axiom-Based PvP Guide

May 31, 2021
Hi there, person reading this. Today I am going to give an overview on PvP strategies, specifically for levels 40-50 for 1v1 and maybe partially for tournaments. The following will be subject to changes and edits, so feedback is very much encouraged! The following will be sort of an axiom-based approach to PvP from yourself perspective, kind of like Euclidean Geometry if you know what I mean.

Postulate 1: You lose a match if you either run out of cards OR you are at 0 health during the opponent's turn. Let us first focus on preventing the first way of losing from happening. ** Not sure if there are other ways to lose. **

Reshuffling: In order to not run out of cards you can use the "reshuffle" spell. I recommend no more than 2 reshuffles in your main deck unless reshuffling is important in your strategy, but treasure card versions would be a better since they cost 3 pips instead of 4 and that leaves you whatever amount of more cards to fill your main deck with. Side note I would not recommend more than one in your TC sidebar. However, it requires that you discard a card and even then, you might not get it. BUT, if you do get one, DO NOT discard it. Make sure to discard extra reshuffles IMMEDIATELY so you can more open slots for cards to show up. Also try to only reshuffle when it is cost effective, unless you intend for it to be a frequent part of your strategy.

Postulate 2: In order to cast any spell, it must first be available in one of your card slots. Two main ways I can think off the top of my head to increase the likelihood of this is reshuffling and deck set up.

*** Will add more stuff later hopefully soon. ***