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Invisible enemies, trapped in dialogue, commons button not working.

Aug 01, 2018
Hello WizTeam,

1. Recently I have been experiencing a peculiar bug in which I defeat an enemy and instead of ending the combat their health-bar is reduced to 1 and their death animation rolls. After this happens I am placed in another round of combat with the invisible 1-health enemy. Usually striking the enemy again defeats them and ends the combat, but it is always followed by a really long pause before the combat officially ends and I am free to control my character again.

2. Another bug I have been experiencing recently is that when I fast click through dialogue my screen will be stuck in dialogue-perspective while having full control of my character. This takes place after the dialogue is over and the camera perspective won't return to my character. It has been primarily happening in dialogue interactions with Ambrose during Wizard City quest-lines. I have tried to teleport myself to the commons, my dorm and dropping a mark and teleporting back, but none of these attempts work. The only thing that restores perspective to my character is to log out and log in.

3. There are times in which the commons and home button do not work when I click them. I assume this is because the countdown is still ticking but didn't continue visibly ticking after a load screen. In this case, the button is locked because it is supposed to be greyed out but isn't. This bug usually takes place after any load screen.

Thank you for reading! I will clarify any of these points if the bug team has any further questions! :) - Collin