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PVP Help

Mar 24, 2013
I'm a level...54? Theurgist and I'd like to start participating in tournaments eventually, but practice PVP is already a struggle. I'm a bit of the way through Dragonspyre right now. I wanted to get in on arena tickets for some better gear. I don't have every currently available life spell to my level because I need to be a higher ranked crafter to even recieve the recipes for them. Should I just wait to be a higher level? Upgrade my spells first?

Aug 02, 2009
Crafting the spells can be difficult, and you will need to reach Zafaria to do it. I would recommend farming Loremaster a bit, since you've reached Dragonspyre, to see if you can get lucky. Just one good one could help tide you over in PvP until you can reach Zafaria to get your Legendary Crafter Badge ... and halfway through Avalon to get past the Indigo Giant and reach the recipes (though there is a smaller supply available from the recipe vendor at the end of Shirataki Temple - including Luminous Weaver, I believe).

But I would also say this: Losing tournaments gives you more tickets than you probably think. Most of us start out using bundle or pack gear, or just getting the best gear we can from the auction house until we can buy better with tickets. Tournaments just cost gold, and not a lot. You can earn enough to start slowly eeking out a viable path. Especially with the recent changes (no sun school damage enchantments or tcs in sideboard, no preenchanted TCs), tournament play is experiencing some rebalancing.