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3 Bugs - King Gobblestone Plushie, Autumn Imp Bumper Car, and Willcast

Nov 23, 2008
King Gobblestone Plushie:
I am unable to select the King Gobblestone Plushie housing item after putting it down. Can only pick retrieve the item by picking up with the attic option or by picking up all items. Simple enough so don't think any further details needed.

Autumn Imp Bumper Car:
The Autumn Imp Bumper Car (30 Day) is currently bugged. It seems like a pure white mannequin with red starter clothing is sitting in the mount with me. You can even see the bottom half of the character when jumping. You can view the bug here.

Willcast Talents:
What I noticed in the last day or two of the recent Ice Deckathalon is that whenever I selected my willcast talent spell on a round that I knew I was stunned (which it doesn't cast), then select the willcast spell for the next round, the willcast spell will cast twice, basically allowing you to use the spell twice without having to wait X amount of rounds and only costing enough happiness for one casting. This bug also works in battles outside of the deckathalon, as I've just tested it against the Monkey Spiders in Empyrea.