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new bank interface

Nov 22, 2008
Additional note on bugs or issues already expressed:

When many items being transferred from bank/backpack using the slider are rejected, it creates an individual overlay for the "bank transaction was not successful window" The darker tint is also applied. It's not hard to transfer more seeds than you have backpack space for and suddenly think your game is crashed because pressing the "ok" button isn't helping. I eventually realized I had to press it once for each seed i transferred, but I almost closed the came out of confusion because the background tint was so dark for so many items I could only see the text box most of the time.

Jun 16, 2012
Problem I have with the new bank interface is the stacking of containers and gear.

I do fishing and crafting on all my wizards and keep a half dozen multi tanks in the share bank for holding tanks for fish to craft pet snacks. As things are now I can't see what fish I have without removing all the tanks to look.

Decks, another container. I keep extra decks on hand to store treasure cards. When I get another copy as a loot drop I am unable to move the newly acquired deck separately to the share bank for another wizard to go sell. I have even tried renaming the deck I want to move and that just gives me a whole stack of same decks under the new name. Some of this could be eliminated since I'm trying to get gold to my lower leveled wizards, if we could move gold in the share bank.

Gear. If I get a new gear drop that I want to move to the share bank that is the same as a piece of gear that is in a gear set, it only tries to move the one that is part of the set. Very frustrating.

The share bank appearance. For my lower leveled wizards the gear they can't use is in blinding red. Would it be possible to find a less eye searing shade of red to use?

May 07, 2010
here’s some more feedback for the bank UI changes & fixes that shipped with the summer update. i’m glad KI continued efforts to polish the UI, but i also hope they’re not finished because it still needs some work. this write-up will build off feedback i posted earlier.

still no highlight on selected items — this is a foundational UI feature that i still think we need. without it, the only way to tell which item you’re interacting with is by what’s in the left-side display window, which isn’t a comfortable indicator by itself.

still no indication of locked items — the only way to tell is still by hovering over the trash icon at the bottom of the inventory, which isn’t intuitive. a lock symbol to the right side of items where the other symbols are could be a simple yet effective addition.

incorrect/confusing & inconsistent text colors for unusable items — for example, on my level 150 fire, level 160 fire gear that they can’t use yet uses red text, which makes sense. but on that same character, death gear of any level that they obviously can never use uses the same default yellow text that usable items do. not only that, but these colors change arbitrarily between inventories. for example, on my level 150 death, level 160 death gear that isn’t usable yet & should use red text will sometimes incorrectly use the default yellow text in the bank — but then go back to using the correct red text in the backpack & shared bank OR in different gear categories in the bank. which gear is usable VS. not yet usable VS. never usable needs to display clearly & consistently, and never-usable items should display uniquely in some greyed-out way.

redundant “move items” slider for single items in specific cases:

> in the bank, clicking “move to shared bank” for a single item brings up the item # slider as if to move multiple items, though the slider doesn’t actually work since there’s only 1 item. this happens in both the gear & furniture sections of the bank. however, the # slider does not appear for single-item bank to backpack transfers.

> in the backpack, clicking “move to shared bank” for a single item also brings up the item # slider. this happens in every section: gear, furniture, reagents, spellements, & jewels. however, the slider does not appear for single-item backpack to bank transfers.

> in the shared bank, clicking “move to backpack” for a single item does not bring up the item # slider in the gear & furniture sections, but does bring up the slider for single items in the reagents, spellements, & jewels tabs. meanwhile, the slider does appear for single-item shared bank to bank transfers. but since the bank only holds gear & furniture, this only happens in those sections.

based on these cases, this redundant item # slider for single items seems to appear when using the transfer button listed FIRST in each inventory. in the bank & backpack, the shared bank button is listed first in every section. in the shared bank, the bank button is listed first in the gear & furniture sections while the backpack button is listed first in the reagents, spellements, & jewels sections. i hope you understand. the item # slider shouldn’t appear at all for single items.

issues sorting with UI headers — firstly, i misunderstood this issue when i described it in my last post. secondly, my game crashed while i was testing the issue (lol) so i didn’t get to test as much, but i sent in a crash report that i hope helps. the issue is that transferring an item after clicking the school, rank, name, or item # headers to sort by these traits will reset the sorting back to default. this makes sorting with these headers not functional in practice. for example, if i want to transfer around pet snacks i have a ton of & click the # count header to sort by quantity, i have to click the # count header to re-sort by quantity every time i make a transfer. i can’t confirm if this bug happens in every inventory & every section or not though (because of the crash).

deck stacking & transfer issues — decks stack with each other in the new UI, but if a deck in a stack has a custom name, the stack is listed under that name, creating troublesome cases.

example: i have 2 balanced paradox decks, but one of them is named “farming deck.” i want to keep this named deck in my backpack & transfer the other unnamed deck into my bank. but with the new UI, both decks are stacked together & listed as “farming deck.” when i try to transfer just one of the two decks into my bank, the deck named “farming deck” is what transfers instead of the other unnamed deck, which isn’t what i want. the UI’s stacking doesn’t discern the 2 decks, and i can’t control which deck transfers out of the stack. the only way to control what transfers is to equip the named deck that i want to keep, which breaks the stack & lists the unnamed deck by itself in the UI that i can then transfer. hope that explains enough.

based on what another user posted before me, decks aren’t the only items affected by problematic stacking, and there are other big issues this stacking creates. definitely worth some reworking.

minor bugs:

the section buttons (top left & right sides to page between gear, furniture, etc.) will get stuck in their highlighted (clicked-on) appearance after a couple of clicks. how many clicks it takes before they get visually “stuck” seems random, and more clicks can also temporarily “unstick” & fix the buttons. it often looks like which side’s button gets visually stuck randomly switches each time you click either one, and sometimes both get stuck at the same time. just some finicky visuals.

the tooltip for the “all spellements” category in the spellements section incorrectly reads as “all reagents.” it should read as “all spellements.”

in the housing section under the castles category, the bank capacity text (“X/150 items in bank”) is incorrectly visible when it should be hidden like its other UI elements (bank transfer button & capacity text background).

when tabbing between item categories in each inventory, one of the item capacity tooltips for a different inventory will flicker & be visible for a split second on the lower left side of the UI, below the transfer buttons & inventory capacities. this bug is so minor that you probably won’t see it in practice, but i assume it shouldn’t happen nonetheless.


that’s all for now. props for all of the fixes though! the darker background & especially the drop shadow on the text helps legibility a lot. i’m also happy about the clearer tooltips, and transferring spellements seems to work perfectly now; no more weird quantity issues. it looks like locked items are counted correctly (no longer doubled), and the bottom of the UI is fixed so the search bar is accessible. i do still wish the gear & furniture sections had an “all items” category like the other sections do, as that would make searches more effective.

thanks for reading. i hope this feedback is helpful & worth considering.