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Beastmoon Badge Replacement

Oct 07, 2016
I love to update my badges, but the Beastmoon Badge category currently has 258 possible badges, and that takes forever to flip through!

My idea is to treat the idol-specific Beastmoon badges like the Gardening badge. When I leveled up my gardening rank, the badge itself changed, instead of giving me twenty different gardening badges to choose from - who wants to identify as a lower rank than they actually are? Right now, I have the option to use the badge for Ice Colossus, Ice Colossus II, IC III, IC IV, and IC V. I suggest that when you upgrade the tier from I to II, or II to III, the badge title itself updates to your new highest number. Instead of stacking these five badges (that don't even have fun names like Badger of Pride or Fossa Fighter), they would replace themselves as they are updated. This will make it much easier to see all of the forms available to me, compare my progress upgrading various forms, and navigate my badge pages.

I suggest that when you upgrade the tier for a particular form, the badge itself levels up, just like gardening badge. Thanks for reading!