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Feature Request- In Dungeon Mini Mounts

Mar 10, 2015
Hello fellow wizards, as you all know wizards currently are unable to use mounts inside buildings or dungeon or their own homes. This makes sense as the mount models are to large for doorways etc. What I propose is a new set of mounts in dungeons that provide movement speed without being mounted. The speed increase would be 5-25%.

Current Mounts

-pogo sticks (all)
- skates (all)

These mounts are small, logically speaking they should work.

New "Mounts" [these are all cantrips]

Kingsisle has shown they can add followers in various quests, these provide buffs. When you cast this cantrip it spawns an invisible follower rabbit, which provides the buffs. This is a easy solution without requiring much effort.

- Fly:you gain flight [15% increase], can travel over water without scaring fish [1hr]

- Dimensional Door : you teleport forward 50ft if no wall / obstacle stops you [1 energy per cast/]

- Longstrider: a 25% increase movement speed for 1hr

-Free Movement: +5% move speed, slippery terrain such as ice does not effect you [1hr]

-Spider's Climb: , +10% move speed, create wisps every 10min after traveling 200ft [1hr]

-Travelling Minion: : 10% move speed, create a 1 pip minion on entry to fight [1hr]

- Plane Shift: : 5% movement speed: return to the start of the dungeon

- Dark Gate: : 25% move speed + 90ft teleport forward if no wall/ barrier to entire party [costs 50% hp] [1hr]