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In-game Ideas - Member Recognition or Rewards Program

Jul 05, 2009
Dear Mr. Sparck,

Does KI have any kind of member recognition or rewards program(s) for members that submit ideas that are/were implemented in-game

Thank you so much for your time in advance! I sincerely appreciate it

Savannah DarkHeart on Mar 15, 2021 wrote:
Dear Mr. Sparck,

Does KI have any kind of member recognition or rewards program(s) for members that submit ideas that are/were implemented in-game

Thank you so much for your time in advance! I sincerely appreciate it
Hi Savannah!

That's a great idea, thanks for being part of the community input here.

Jul 05, 2009
Sparck. on Mar 16, 2021 wrote:
Hi Savannah!

That's a great idea, thanks for being part of the community input here.
Dear Mr. Sparck,

Thank you so very much for your response, I am trul grateful!

The reason I ask, is because I've submitted a number of ideas in the past (many years ago), that have been implemented in-game, but I was never contacted, never received any kind of credit, reward, or recognition for it. However, I have never asked for it either.

I truly believe that the ideas I submitted (which were implemented in-game), have not only been beneficial to the Wizard101 community, but has also been, and continue to be highly lucrative for KI to date.

The ideas that I submitted that were implemented in-game include:
1) Backpack and Bank Expansion Elixirs.
2) Plant All gardening spell.
3) Double Pet XP Elixirs.

I even tried for better pet snacks!

Documentation of my original posts in the orginal KI In-game Ideas submission forums can be viewed on Wizard101 Central here: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/album.php?albumid=46311

Although I am absolutely not seeking any kind or type of compensation in any form, it would be nice to receive at least some type of credit or recognition for my ideas and efforts to improve the game and support the growth of the company.

I ask not just for myself, but for the many other wonderful Wizard101 patrons of the past, present, and future to receive at least some type of reward and/or recognition for the many amazing ideas that they submit, if implemented in game.

If at all possible, I was hoping that there was a way to communicate with you via KI Customer Support in regards to this post? There is something that I do hope to receive assistance with that does not include any type or kind of monetary request what so ever! If so, I would be truly grateful and sincerely appreciate it if at all possible!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
They have :)

Though it might be hard to do so retroactively lol.

Jul 05, 2009
exp613 on Mar 16, 2021 wrote:
They have :)

Though it might be hard to do so retroactively lol.
Hi exp613,

That's truly great to hear, thank you!

To be honest, I'm not looking for any kind of retroactive rewards or benefits, but some type of recognition would be nice. Certainly better than nothing at all! :)

I'm very happy to hear that others have been recognized and/or rewarded for their efforts!

Hopefully, KI will be kind and gracious enough to recognize me for my efforts which enhanced gameplay, and continue to be beneficial to the Wizard101 community and KI.

Last, but not least, thank you so much for your reply, I sincerely appreciate it!

Jul 05, 2009
Dear Mr. Sparck,

Sorry, I just noticed that my previous message was missing a closing (my mistake), sorry again!

So I just wanted to add... Thank you so very much once again for your time and assistance! I am truly grateful!

Very Respectfully,
Savannah Darkheart

Apr 18, 2013
steMoGsteL appreciates this.

Not sure what would be nicer, for KI to award a free product of one's ideas vs giving recognition. Both would be really nice if they'd ever consider that.

My very first post for this game ever was for an in-game Suggestion Box. Read about it here,
then scroll down to find several more ideas; some have gotten implemented in one way or another.

I recognize this Rewards Program as a good way to way to create incentive for young wizards to come up with some fun and inventive ideas!

Jul 05, 2009
stemogstel on Mar 19, 2021 wrote:
steMoGsteL appreciates this.

Not sure what would be nicer, for KI to award a free product of one's ideas vs giving recognition. Both would be really nice if they'd ever consider that.

My very first post for this game ever was for an in-game Suggestion Box. Read about it here,
then scroll down to find several more ideas; some have gotten implemented in one way or another.

I recognize this Rewards Program as a good way to way to create incentive for young wizards to come up with some fun and inventive ideas!
Hi stemogstel!

Very nice ideas! Yes, I also have a couple of in-game friends that have suggested wonderful ideas that were implemented and enhanced game-play years ago!

I also think this would certainly be a great incentive for Wizard101 fans to submit even more amazing ideas!

As far as rewards and/or recognition is concerned, I think it would be totally amazing even if the reward could be an exclusive item in-game, such as:

An exclusive gear set (hat, robe, shoes, and wand), with its own unique design, even if it has no stats!
and maybe something like the all mysterious sheep pet!

Thank you for your reply and support! I sincerely appreciate it!

Savannah DarkHeart
Lving Spiral Life Since Launch
Don't let others with bitter flavors on their tongues convince you to eat their candy too. Get your own candy.

Jul 05, 2009
Even an exclusive badge would be amazing too