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Malistaire Drake (Dragonspyre) Should be Stronger

Nov 11, 2009
Just for the record, I am referring in this thread to the original Malistaire Drake who the player fights at the end of Dragonspyre at level 50 and not any subsequent Malistaires.
Anyone who has been playing Wizard101 for as long as I have might remember that the original Malistaire Drake had 100,000 health and an elaborate strategy involving Sylvia Drake! If you don't know about this, then you should look up some videos and see it for yourself. It's pretty cool.
I remember that after this, Malistaire was nerfed down to 10,000 health, which seemed fine at the time, especially since I recall fighting him when the level cap was 50 and it was somewhat of a challenge. Now his health sits at 8,000.
Malistaire should be stronger. While 100,000 health may be a bit too much for a level 50 fight, I would like to see an increase in health, along with cheats to make him more difficult. This is the final boss of the First Arc, he should be much harder. We spend the first five worlds building up to our confrontation with him. There should be more payoff and more of a challenge. Additionally, I would also like to see the Sylvia NPC return during the fight, helping the players out and increasing strategy. This would also prevent players from using AOE attacks so as to not kill her and risk compromising the game.
Of course, with the game now reaching triple the original level that Malistaire was intended to be beaten at, the fight will never be the same, and higher level wizards would still be able to carry the fight. That being said, it would still be very nice to see Malistaire become stronger and pose a true challenge to players attempting to complete the First Arc.
Please let me know what you think about this. It'd be a nice throwback to the old days. I know it's been suggested before, but it would also be cool if there was an option to fight the 100k Malistaire (assuming all players agree to it). Thanks!

Oct 30, 2021
I agree to this entirely and I wish we could choose different versions of the boss (or even other bosses that've been changed multiple times) to fight, maybe for different types of rewards too. It'd certainly be really cool and it'd make me happy to see the old malistaire again.