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Novus Buglist + a few extras

Feb 07, 2010
Novus Update
1. Eternal Abstract Cape (The balance crafted specific robe) doesn't give shadow rating, but instead gives life accuracy

2. The selected spell preview doesn't work for the spell your wizard selected, but still works for your teammates spells.

3. Trying to "use" a spell on your wizard, such as a blade, will sometimes not be possible if clicking on the character model, selecting the "health banner" will still allow you to select your wizard.

4. A dungeon instance questline trigger failed for me during my playthrough in the cabal base, the main questline updated, but I had to repeat the instance to get the experience for the dungeon instance.

5. Maxine Rockhoppierre will sometimes fail to summon Aberrant Maxine once all minions are killed (only tested when -200% aura is not cast on her due to a different bug)

6. Maxine Rockhoppierre will fail to cast -200% aura if any wizard joins after the turn sigil is active during the first turn spell selection. I believe also occurs is any wizard joins late.

7. (Potentially not from Fall update, also might not be a full bug) Some Lemuria spells still cast after every enemy has been defeated. I.e. Old One's Engame - casts and gives prism charm to player, and then disappears. (A bit annoying if this is intended) Life spell has similar behavior

Spellement upgraded hydra doesn't properly display increased damage numbers when enchanted.

Couldn't find these listed elsewhere, so I hope this helps.