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Jul 05, 2009
i have been plzying wizard101 for a while and i have noticed fizzles in the begining of my gameplay there wernt that much but then they happened alot more often if you have any way t oavoid theese plz reply see you in the spriral!

robert firefriend lv 25 initiate pryromancer 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Jul 25, 2009
I would add the following suggestions under the assumption that fizzles are a way to add a form of random chance that makes battles more exciting ...

1. Remove them completely and rely on the fun of the game to carry itself. All these fizzles do is add frustration to an otherwise captivating and highly entertaining game.

2. If offensive spells fizzle, defensive spells never should.

3. Treasure cards should never fizzle.