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Dugeon tips

Feb 27, 2009
Ok, so these are some dungeon tips:
1. ALWAYS mark your place even if someone is in it with you. It does this thing sometimes were when you try to teleport to the person in there, it goes FULL INSTANCE even though it clearly isnt full. I went on a mana break and it did that to me, but i marked my place so no harm done.

2. Have all your bottles full and all your mana so you can mark your place.

3. If you get caught with an unwanted battle, always flee, go get more mana, and teleport to another person in the dungeon or to your marked place. It makes it soooo much easier.

4. If you and another person both flee and both didnt mark your place, you did not just lose all your hard work! You will have 30 minutes to go back were you left off before it restarts.


1. A safe thing to do is believe it or not follow your enemies! If you are about 1 or 2 inches away from them, you are safe. No more, no less. That way you know were they are going. Remember to follow them slowly and by the way, DONT follow gearheads, wait for them to pass.

2. Watch the pattern they are going in and then go the opposite way or just so you dont get caught with them. this is very helpful with gearheads.

3. The little planks of wood slanting against the rooftops are safe zones. They are very helpful in katz. lab.

4. Going in the middle of the rooftops are actually safer than on the sides, if you know how to dodge your enemies.

1. DONT do it alone.

2. Part of the dungeon is being dragged off the sidewalks, but still stick as close as you can to them because at some point you wont be dragged off.

By the way, for the ones who hasnt done sunken city yet, Grubb has like 1,000 or so life, along with scarecrows with 620 life.

1. Of course stick to sidewalks and i suggest you bring someone with the life secondary school or a life student. (Death students have a good healing spell too)

Ok, i'm done. Well, i hope this helped some of you! Please reply!!! :D :) :-)