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No quest....

Feb 27, 2009
I am sooo confused! Ok i was somewhere in the lvl 30's when a tutorial tip popped up and ambrose said something about going to see him. So i went over there and he had no quest for me AT ALL! Nothing to say except "These are dark times kestrel." I was dissapointed, until at lvl 38 he popped up again saying there was great trouble in grizzleheim(which i was already in of course) and to see him at once. So i rushed over to him and he had NOTHING to say except "These are dark times kestrel." No bright, brilliant, little yellow over his head. Nope. I am half way done with lvl 42 and he hasnt said anything else. Was it that i got the message late? Early? Help me! :(

Kestrel Ghostwalker~ lvl 42 Master sorcerer

Feb 27, 2009